SCP-XXXX photographed prior to current containment
Item #: SCP-XXXX
Object Class: Safe
Special Containment Procedures: When not in testing, SCP-XXXX is to be covered in a thick cloth or blindfold and placed in a standard item containment locker at Site-██, facing away from the locker door.
During testing, SCP-XXXX is to be held within a standard testing cell. Experiments should be observed from an observation bay via two-way mirror. The cell should have a single entrance on the same side of the room as the observation bay.
SCP-XXXX is to be placed on a raised pedestal approximately one metre in height in the centre of the cell. It must be facing away from both the entrance and the observation bay at all times. Measures to prevent the test subject from rotating the object are not required.
During transportation, SCP-XXXX is to be covered with a blindfold or a thick cloth draped over it prior to transport. These must be properly opaque and correctly secured such as to avoid accidental removal. Additionally, photographs of the object, both physical and digital, must have the eyes obscured as soon as possible and the original image eradicated. Personnel making these edits should not expose themselves to the original image for longer than 10 minutes. Drawings of the object should not include the eyes.
No staff member is permitted to be in the 180° range in front of the object unless it is properly covered. Personnel affected by the object must undergo a psychological screening to ensure no long-term effects, and a Class C amnestic administered if necessary.
Description: SCP-XXXX is a sculpture of a human head made from fossiliferous limestone, twenty-four centimetres in height. It is assumed to be Celtic in origin, and estimated to have been made in the early 3rd century. Significant weathering on the surface of the object supports this estimate. The sculpture depicts a male head with its eyes open, wearing a cap of military appearance. Despite weathering, researchers have thus far been unable to cause any damage to the object.
When SCP-XXXX is moved by hand, its weight of the object is far in excess of that expected for limestone of the same volume. When moved or weighed by machine, however, the weight is as expected. As a result its anomalous mass cannot be accurately recorded, but is estimated to be approximately one hundred kilograms.
SCP-XXXX causes intense scopaesthesia in those within the 180° range in front of the object - in other words, anyone standing in front of the object feels that they are being watched. So far this has been universally reported.
The scopeaesthesia extends to recordings and depictions of the object, both digital and physical, though as yet it is unclear if this is anomalous or psychological in origin. The effect is not present on images in which the eyes of the object have been covered. Further tests on this are pending. See Incident Log XXXX-E.
Subjects exposed to SCP-XXXX for prolonged periods of time will grow increasingly paranoid about the object. See Experiment Log XXXX-C for more details.
Addendum XXXX-C: Experiment Log XXXX-C
Addendum: Incident Log XXXX-E